Our Dogs World 101

Is Powdered Milk Good For Puppies? – Pet Ag’s Review

Young puppy drinking from a babies bottle

So, I hear you asking is powdered milk good for puppies and like many human foods that we like to give to our dogs, powdered puppy milk for puppies is definitely OK if given in moderation. It is also important to remember that a lot of puppies are lactose intolerant and drinking too much milk … Read more

Disobedience – A Dog Owners Worse Nightmare

There is a big difference between disobedience and your dog not understanding the command you gave them. If your dog isn’t obeying a command because he doesn’t understand what it is you wish him to try to do, that’s not a behavioral problem at all, it simply implies that you more than likely need to … Read more

How To Toilet Train My Puppy – Every Owners Dream!

I think we all agree puppies are so cute!! But are also a lot of work. Along with ongoing general training, then the socializing all puppies must-have during the early stages, the regular healthy and nutritional feeds, there are also many questions on how to toilet train my puppy. Having worked with and owned several … Read more

Free Basic Dog Training Tips – Our Dogs World 101

Our Dogs World 101

Are you ready to train your dog or puppy? Your dog’s basic needs include proper training and companionship. It is important to start training your dog as soon as possible. First of all, dog training can look exciting, especially if it’s your first dog. The truth is that training your dog is a great responsibility. … Read more